Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tailor a Shirt in 15 Minutes

     Surprisingly, this was one of the easiest sewing projects I've ever attempted!

- Sewing machine
- Black thread
- Scissors
- Sewing chalk 

     First, figure out how much you need to take in. I ended up taking in half an inch from both sides. Turn you shirt inside out and mark along the edges how much needs to be taken in.

     Sew along the lines.

     Lastly, cut off any excess material and serge the raw edges (or if you're like me and don't have a fancy serger, use a zig-zag stitch). 

     You're finished! Put on your new shirt and proudly show off your tailoring skills. 

~ Gloria


  1. It's very impressive if you did that in 15 minutes. I have a feeling that with my sewing skills (or rather, lack of skill), it would take me hours.

  2. amazing that you can tailor your own clothing like this! what a great skill!
    the finished result looks wonderful...thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks! It's actually not that hard. You just need to have the guts to try! :)

  3. Thanks for the very doable diy! I'm wondering if taking the sides in on low neck blouses and dresses will help them not come down so low in the front and also help the underarms area not be so low.. I'm smaller in my bust area than my lower body and I run into this problem often.

    1. It probably wouldn't help much with the low neck, but it probably would help in the underarm area.

    2. If the dress has sleeves, try lifting even a tapered ¼ inch at the shoulder seam, it will lift neck area. If sleeveless you wouldn't need to taper - this will also lift armhole. Try tacking first

  4. My armpit area always gets bunch when I put the shirt on after taking it in. Any advice?


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