If you've been crafting for a little while, you undoubtedly have a pile of paper scraps that are too small to do anything significant with but too big for you to be ok with throwing away. Well, here's a quick, easy craft you can do! Supplies: - Paper scraps - Sheet of thick paper - Scissors - Glue - Pen
I've noticed that tissue companies are putting more eye-catching, colorful patterns on their boxes. Such a shame to just toss them out once they're empty. Perhaps something could be done with the used boxes... maybe mini notebooks? Supplies: - Used tissue box with a colorful pattern - Several sheets of computer paper (you can decide how many pages you want. I used 10 sheets). - Embroidery floss - Embroidery needle - Scissors
So this project was rather challenging because it needed to be fancy enough to be appropriate (it was their 20th anniversary after all) but easy enough to be completed in a few hours (procrastination, thy name is Gloria). Supplies: - Clipboard - 1 sheet of printer paper - 1 sheet of thicker paper, appropriate for card making - Scissors - Pencil - Black pen - Red pen - Eraser
One of my many childhood dreams was to gallop across an open field on a horse with a cape flowing from my shoulders. With the help of Pinterest, part of that dream came true. Supplies: - About 2 yards of fabric - Scissors - Thread - Thin cord - A button - Needle - Chalk - Sewing machine Difficulty level: medium A cape is is basically a large circle skirt cut in half. Take your fabric and fold it in half. Measure 6" from the top left corner, where the fabric was folded over, and carefully trace a half-circle with your chalk. That will be the neck part of the cape. Then measure 40" from the edge of the neck and draw another half circle.
Tassels are quite versatile and can be used in multiple ways. Tassel bookmarks make great gifts and with graduation season upon us, you could even make one in your grad's school colors for a simple, practical gift! Supplies: - Yarn or embroidery thread - Thick paper or cardboard - Scissors - An embroidery needle Start by wrapping your yarn or thread several times around your hand. I wanted mine to be more chunky so I wrapped it about twenty times.
We all love emojis, they're pure awesomeness. But an emoji pillow?! mind blown These cute, plush, customizable pillows are ridiculously popular right now! So I figured, why not jump on the bandwagon and try making one? Supplies: - 28" by 28" piece of soft yellow material - 11" by 4 1/2" piece of black material - 9" piece of black embroidery floss - Stuffing - Scissors - Chalk - Pins - Needle - Thread (black and white) - Sewing machine First, cut out two 14" by 14" squares of yellow material.
This much too big shirt was in need of an upcycle. So here's what I did!
Too big!
Supplies: - Shirt - Scissors - Sewing machine - Button - Needle - Thread - Some pins First, the sleeves, buttons, and the top part of the shirt were cut off.
The talented and exceptional Faith agreed to do a guest post with me. So be sure to check out her blog (I also did a guest post for her)! Hi, I'm Faith, from In All Faithfulness, and I'm really excited to share with you one of my favorite (and most successful) DIY's.